Wisconsin Drug Rehab

Your Treatment Options + State Drug Abuse Facts


Drug addiction and alcohol addiction are both serious problems, and they can quickly ruin your health, your relationships, and your entire life. If you are struggling with addiction, you may feel hopeless, but you can achieve recovery and enjoy a better life. Many drug treatment options are available to help you overcome addiction and achieve recovery in Wisconsin.

The per capita alcohol consumption in Wisconsin is 1.3 times higher than the average in the United States. Excessive drinking is more prevalent among Wisconsin adults than elsewhere within the country (63 percent versus 53 percent), with 22 percent of adults reporting recent binge drinking. Given this pattern, it is no surprise that the state also experiences higher arrest rates due to drinking alcohol and higher rates of death due to cirrhosis of the liver.

Do not allow addiction to ruin your life or result in a tragedy for you and your loved ones. Here is a closer look at some of the best drug treatment options available to help you decide which option can help you get on your way towards recovery.

Type & Length of Care

You will have different program lengths and types of choose from when you are ready to start your recovery journey. Some of your options include:

Long Term Treatment Programs (90-Day)

Long term treatment programs in Wisconsin last a minimum of 90 days, although some may last 120 days or longer. Since patients have plenty of time to address all the issues that may be contributing to addiction, these long term programs prove very effective for patients. During long term programs, patients are also taught helpful relapse prevention techniques, which reduces their risk of relapse in the future.

Short Term Treatment Programs (28/30 Day)

Lasting between 28 and 30 days, short term programs begin with detoxification for patients. After several days going through detoxification, patients then move on to outpatient treatments. These programs usually require group, individual, or both types of substance abuse classes. Professional counseling is offered as well. Patients dealing with many responsibilities and obligations often find that short term programs in Wisconsin are an excellent option.


With an outpatient treatment program, patients will need to routinely see a behavioral health counselor and will be required to attend individuals, group, or both types of drug counseling. Some of the therapies that may be used in outpatient programs to aid in recovery include motivational incentives and cognitive behavioral health therapy.

Patients going through a Wisconsin inpatient program will need to stay in a treatment facility throughout treatment. Medical supervision and around-the-clock medical care is offered to patients as they go through the detoxification process. After detox, multiple therapeutic approaches may be used to help patients achieve recovery.

Residential Treatment Services in Wisconsin


Detox treatment usually lasts a week or less, giving patients time to detox from alcohol or drugs. These programs offer round-the-clock medical care for patients as they detox, and medications are often used to help keep patients more comfortable while they detoxify. Along with medical care, patients also offer support as they go through detoxification.

Sober-living House

Sober living homes offer a great place for patients to live, whether they are going through outpatient treatment programs or working to transition from a treatment program back to their regular life in Wisconsin. Additional support is also offered in a sober-living house, and it is a reasonably priced option that is often much cheaper than a residential drug treatment program.

Dual Diagnosis

Addiction and mental health programs often go hand and hand, and when both are present, they must be addressed together. With dual diagnosis treatment, mental health problems and addiction are dealt with simultaneously, offering patients improved outcomes.

Commonly Abused & Treated Drugs:

Opioids are the most common cause of drug-related deaths in Wisconsin. Fatalities attributed to heroin use are the second most common, whereas benzodiazepines are a close third. That said, the rate of drug fatalities are lower in Wisconsin than the national average.


Are you tired of struggling with addiction? It is time to change your life. Get started with a drug treatment program in Wisconsin today to get started on your journey. In many cases, patients find that traveling to a program that is far from home can improve their chance of success by removing familiar surroundings and bad influences. Call us today and we will work with you to find the best Wisconsin treatment program for your needs.